Tuesday, January 24, 2017

When Water Overflows, Where Does It Go?

I just wonder if I still have the ability to write like how my mind & pen worked during my younger, my much younger days...when I would write anecdotes and short articles about just anything that I sent to MOD and Women's Magazines for P75 per article. Early 80s?  Most likely but can't recall the exact time. The skill or talent to "think & write", whatever we may call it is indeed a gift from above for not everybody can do it. Saying it with all modesty, I am gifted. In my succeeding blogs, I will tell you more of the gifts I rightfully possess. 

Please don't be disappointed. Everything in my blogs is definitely NOT about ME. I just wanted to share, ask and discover how life is mixed like salads in a huge bowl. Just want to tickle other people's mind by bringing up issues that won't require above-average intelligence. Just want to create a venue and an avenue for my thoughts about the basics and complexities of our lives. Let me just do something about  the water that overflows. So where does water go when it overflows? 

This starter might be short . This is just to initialize. The eloquence is yet to come. Everyone, get a pinch of my gift of gab. See you in my next blog.